Persuadable: How Great Leaders Change Their Minds to Change the World

  • Simply instituting a formal feedback process can doule the likelihood that a client ahives a significant change (1) – page 40 2
  • The candidates whose views changed over time received more unfavorable evaluations (2) – page 71 4
  • Participants tended to see the politicians’ inconsistent behavior s waffling, and were less liekly to view these candidates as vote-worthy (3) – page 71 4
  • Midway through hearnig about the case, half the participants werea sked  state who they thought was guilty of the crme and to explain why…  thes subjects had a significantly more difficult time recognizing the counterevidence… they were more liekly t describe counteraevidence as supportnig his guilt… when participants were asked to consider the oppoite, this eliminated the confirmation bias (4) – page 92,96 5
  • Prediction markets are better at predicting presidetial outcomes than polls (5) – page 113 6?
  • Feeling powerful makes people focus on their own opinion and assume that other peopel’s opinions are the same (6) – page 145 8
  • One of the best predictors in a relationship is whether the husband is willing to be influenced by the wife (7) – page 147 8
  • The individuals who were in the high power plus perspective-taking group were seen to be most just… these participants were also most likely to collect enough clues from their partners to solve the mystery (8) – page 147 8
  • The intervention of the minority in-group later changed subjects views on gun control (9) – page 191 11?
  • When a minority is seen as inflexible and uncompromising, it can be seen as extreme… these members become repelled (10) – page 194 11



  1. Does a continuous feedback system improve psychotherapy outcomes
  2. The waffle phenomenon and candidates’ image
  3. To change or not to change examining ht phenomenon fo political waffling
  4. Prime suspect an examination of the factors that aggravete and counteract confirmation bias in riminal investigation, A recipe for bias: an empircal look at the interplay between instiutional incentives and bounded rationality in prosecutorial decision making
  5. Prediction market accuracy in the long run
  6. Poewr and perspectives not taken
  7. Predicting marital happiness and stability from newlywed interactions
  8. Acceleration with steering the synergetsic benefits o combining power and persepctivetaking
  9. Indirect minority infleunce: evidence fro leniency in source evlaution and coutneragrugmentation
  10. When reigidity does not fail: invidiuliation and psychologization as resitances to the diffusion of minority innovations, DIferential conitrbutions of majority and minority influence