Omega-3 Enriched Foods Reduce Blood Pressure

Omega-3 fatty acids, such as DHA and EPA, may be important for maintaining a healthy blood pressure.

In a new study in the journal “Scientific Reports”, 161 subjects were randomly assigned to two groups. One group consumed 3 eggs per week and 3 portions of chicken per week from chickens fed a regular diet, while the intervention group consumed eggs and chicken that were enhanced with omega-3 PUFA.

After 6 months, the intervention group showed dramatic elevations in the “Omega-3 Index”, indicating that the omega-3’s were being properly digested and incorporated into cell membranes. Furthermore, these patients demonstrated clinically relevant reductions in blood pressure.


Many health benefits have been associated with omega-3 consumption, and this study further emphasizes the benefit that omega-3’s may play towards maintaining a healthy blood pressure.


Stanton, A. V., James, K., Brennan, M. M., O’Donovan, F., Buskandar, F., Shortall, K., … & Pender, N. (2020). Omega-3 index and blood pressure responses to eating foods naturally enriched with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: a randomized controlled trial. Scientific Reports10(1), 1-10.