Pec Minor and Shoulder Capsule Affect Scapula Position

Subjects with limited flexibility in the pec minor or shoulder capsule exhibited altered positioning of the scapula.

A new study examined 58 subjects while standing statically, as well as during arm elevation. The subjects who had limitations in the flexibility of either the pec minor or the shoulder capsule exhibited asymmetry between scapula. Interestingly, this relationship was not present during arm elevation.


Many coaches and clinicians have espoused the value of stretching the pec minor or posterior shoulder capsule for patients who demonstrate altered scapula mechanics. This study lends support to the idea that these tissues may be a contributing factor to scapular dysfunction. The fact that pec minor and capsule flexibility were not as relevant during arm elevation suggests that there may be more motor control related issues that are taking place during the active movement that are playing a larger role than passive flexibility.


Turgut, E., & Baltaci, G. (2018). Effect of flexibility deficit on scapular asymmetry in individuals with and without shoulder pain. Brazilian journal of physical therapy.