Physical Activity Increases Arch Height in the Foot

For those with flat feet, exercise could potentially be valuable for improving the height of the arch.

Researchers assessed the dorsum height and arch height index in 45 subjects. 15 of these subjects were instructed to increase physical activity. After the intervention concluded, the arch height was reassessed. The researchers found that the increased physical activity led to a significant improvement in the dorsum and arch height index. A decrease was also found in the truncated foot length.


Many people believe that flat feet are exclusively due to genetics and that the only treatment is to use orthotics or highly supportive shoes. Although there may be a hereditary connection to flat feet, this study suggests that at least in some contexts, arch height can be modified by the incorporation of proper physical training.


Zhao, X., Tsujimoto, T., Kim, B., Katayama, Y., & Tanaka, K. (2018). Increasing Physical Activity Might Be More Effective to Improve Foot Structure and Function Than Weight Reduction in Obese Adults. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery.