Resistant Starch Improves Body Composition and Metabolic Risk Factors

Resistant starch has become very popular lately in the health community.  A new study has found that much of this hype may be substantiated.


In a new study, subjects were administered “RS-4 flour”, a flour that is high in resistant starch.  After twelve weeks of consumption, not only did subjects enjoy a significant reduction in waist circumference, but they also improved some metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease.


Resistant starch is a prebiotic which can increase the number of healthy, beneficial bacteria in your gut.  Because one’s gut bacteria has such a profound influence on their health, it is not particularly surprising that resistant starch was able to induce these effects.



Although more research must be done to determine the details of resistant starch use, I tentatively am willing to accept the fact that the effects of resistant starch consumption appear to be beneficial.  If you wish to increase resistant starch consumption, I recommend consuming green, unripened bananas or cold white potatoes.




Nichenametla SN, et al.  Resistant starch type 4‐enriched diet lowered blood cholesterols and improved body composition in a double blind controlled cross‐over intervention.  Molecular Nutrition and Food Research.  2014 Jun; 58(6): 1365-1369.