Elite Sprinters Have More Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers

Being genetically endowed with a higher proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers may be key for competing at an elite level in activities demanding speed or explosiveness.

In a new study in the “Journal of Applied Physiology”, researchers took a muscle biopsy of a world-record holder in the 60-m and 110-m hurdles. The scientists found that the athlete was genetically endowed with a unprecedented proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers compared to the average individual.


Some people are genetically advantaged towards either speed activities or endurance activities depending on their proportion of fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers.


Trappe, S., Luden, N., Minchev, K., Raue, U., Jemiolo, B., & Trappe, T. A. (2015). Skeletal muscle signature of a champion sprint runner. Journal of Applied Physiology118(12), 1460-1466.