Prenatal or Early-life Antibiotics Increases Risk for Obesity

Exposure to antibiotics in utero or during the very early stages of life may increase susceptibility to obesity.

In a new study in the journal “Obesity”, researchers analyzed the health records of 8,793 children or mothers. Children who were exposed to antibiotics prior to age 3 were more likely to be overweight for their age. This effect was also present for children whose mothers had been exposed to antibiotics while pregnant.


Factors that adversely impact the gut microbiome, such as antibiotics, alter the digestive system in a manner that may increase susceptibility to excess weight gain.


Poulsen, M. N., Pollak, J., Bailey‐Davis, L., Hirsch, A. G., Glass, T. A., & Schwartz, B. S. (2017). Associations of prenatal and childhood antibiotic use with child body mass index at age 3 years. Obesity25(2), 438-444.