Infections Such as Lyme Disease Can Influence Joint Flexibility

One factor that may influence the health and flexibility of the joints is viral infections.

A case study published in the journal “Medicine (Baltimore)” involved a patient who tested positive for signs of lyme disease. Prior to receiving treatment, this patient had excessive mobility in her joints. After receiving antibiotic treatment, her joint mobility decreased dramatically to what are considered “normal” levels, suggesting that the hypermobility was a consequence of the disease.


Infections such as lyme disease can influence joint flexibility by affecting the health of connective tissue.


Mozayeni, B. R., Maggi, R. G., Bradley, J. M., & Breitschwerdt, E. B. (2018). Rheumatological presentation of Bartonella koehlerae and Bartonella henselae bacteremias: A case report. Medicine97(17).