Weak Core and Weak Glutes Leads to Injuries in Runners

Two of the most prominent causes of injuries in runners may be weak glutes or weak core muscles.

In a new study in the “American Journal of Sports Medicine”, researchers assessed strength, endurance, and other fitness markers of 142 runners. Over the course of the next 1.5 years, the subjects who had demonstrated weak core or weak glutes during testing were much more likely to sustain an injury.


Exercises that strengthen the glutes and core may be key for preventing injuries in athletes.


De Blaiser, C., De Ridder, R., Willems, T., Vanden Bossche, L., Danneels, L., & Roosen, P. (2019). Impaired core stability as a risk factor for the development of lower extremity overuse injuries: a prospective cohort study. The American journal of sports medicine47(7), 1713-1721.